Videos that use SM64 - File Select while theorycrafting as an homage to Pannen
This is one of my favorite little memes/nods in the speedrunning youtube sphere, where somebody will launch into an explanation of some theorycrafting or technical details, and they'll set it to the super mario 64 file select theme. Obviously, it's a great chilled-out background track, but it's also a lovely nod to Pannen and the enormous impact the 0xA-press challenge has had on SM64 and speedrunning in general. It makes me happy every time I hear it!
(I realize that there's maybe an off-chance somebody here is unfamiliar with Pannenkoek2012, in which case stop reading, watch this and then watch all of his other videos. He's a master at making technical TAS stuff interesting and approachable)
I'm trying to collect youtube videos that use the file select as a nod, but I only watch so many videos and I don't always remember to add them if I do. If you know of any videos that do, let me know? (Here's the current playlist. Timestamps are in the playlist description.)