The organ harvesting guards in season 2
The same sign is still on the guards' wall "do not speak without permission, do not remove mask, do not leave the room".
In season 1 the guards who went behind the others backs and harvested the organs still all kept their masks on even in their private room, and this season they all take their masks off immediately when getting there. I guess it's because they realized it's better TV to see their emotion but it doesn't make sense with how the guards acted before.
We see that even the main manager/officer is in on it, but are really all the guards going behind the Front man's back? One manager deleted the footage but did really no one else notice how two soldiers ran into 011's room, stop in the middle of the hallway to have a conversation, the one manager who just opened her door in the middle of the night without even knocking then seeing her face immediately?
It's stated that even the staff are not allowed to know each others identity's or talk to each other besides giving out instructions, so their meeting and taking their masks off could not have been allowed, and seemingly no one noticed?
Basically all the guards would have to be in on this to not have been caught with how uncareful they seem to be. Although one soldier noticed them putting an alive player in a casket and he shot him again. They might all be aware but not really doing anything? The only reason the Front man took action on the last guards was because it was giving a player an unfair advantage.
In conclusion the guards seem to not be having it as strict as last season, but I have no idea why. I also liked that last season every guard face reveal was a big deal and it was more exciting and mysterious, now they aren't really scary.