espresso frappuccino custie
i have this regular customer who comes almost everyday and gets an espresso frappuccino every time. today, while i was taking her order, she asked for her espresso frap and this was the first time i took her order and usually with espresso fraps i ask if they want any extra shots of espresso. i ask that to this lady and she says “yeah 2 extra” and i said okay and rang it up. and then she asks, “how is the espresso frap usually made?” and i said “well for a grande it gets one shot of espresso and 3 pumps of our frap roast” and she was like “wouldn’t it get 3 since it’s a grande?” and i was like “i mean in theory it should but to our standard it’s just one shot.” and she was like “well how many shots do the other sizes get” and i said “just one shot.” she goes on to basically start an argument with me about how what i was saying wasn’t making sense and that im wrong and shouldnt charge her for the two extra shots. i told her, and then two of my other partners hopped on too and told her that each size for the espresso frap only gets one shot unless asked for more. she continued to basically complain while we were all trying to explain it to her and my coworker had to tell her that i “misspoke” and she goes “well she didn’t say that she misspoke.” my coworker told me to get away from the dt so i didn’t have to see her at the window, but it just kinda irritates me that the customer just wasn’t able to understand that it’s our standard recipe and also the fact my partner told her i “misspoke” because she only wanted to be right.