Coworker threw away the valentines gifts I made : (

I made valentines gifts for each of my coworkers, there's about 9 of us in total besides our SM and me. One coworker does not at all like me and saw the bag of valentines I made for the others in the break room and threw them all away and I had posted both in group chat and on a note on the bag that please take your own gift bag with your name on it.

I'm devastated. I saw the footage with my manager and I cannot believe he would do that. I spent a lot of time making those bags and mini plant grow kits. All of us like plants besides him.

UPDATE. I did report him to our DM. And higher up to corporate. The DM used to be our old manager and he was moved higher even though he used to sleep with baristas in the storage room (most were 17-18 and he was 20 but I digress) My location is small and we are in a town full of Amish people and Mormons. I am the M-F opener. He's done stuff like this before but me and my coworker reports have fallen through. He's stalked an ex coworker and she left. He's related to our old manager who is now our DM.