Lost ALL my hauling Rep because no cargo was available.

** If you take a large hauling mission, and for whatever reason it fails or you can't complete it - Alt-F4, and come back later when the mission is removed from your accepted missions, you won't take the REP hit. *\*

So over the last several weeks, fighting all the jank that is SC 4.0.0, I was able to earn about 20M in aUEC. I had completed so many missions (stacking about 7 per run) from Baijani Point to Riker. I earned rep upto the experienced rank. So I pulled the trigger and purchased a C2 Hercules in game. I wanted to do some larger missions using the C2 and the ATLS.

The first mission I took was 1200 SCU, which I was happily going to work through over a few hours just to "test" out the missions, etc. The issue is that none of the cargo for the mission is available from the frieght elevators (bugged) so I abandoned the mission. A day or so later I tried agian, hoping the "bug" was somehow a result of the server, and maybe this time I'd have more luck. Nope.. no cargo again. But this time I accidently hit the "submit" button on the mission, with no cargo and no completed deliveries.

Well to my shock my entire hauling rep with Covolex was reset back to zero... To the point where I went from 130+ missions available too me, down to 1 - the starter mission.

This penalty for an incomplete mission is unacceptable, when the game's own bugs don't let you even attempt it. I get loosing a level, maybe, but down from "Experienced" to "Nothing" is crazy to me.