Star Citizen music (OST) extracted from game data
Hello, I like to listen soundtrack from games and movies, and there is a lot of Star Citizen playlist on YT but I can't find anywhere full official soundtrack from Star Citizen. There is OST in RSI store but I don't know when exactly this content will be released :/.
Until then I was able to extract sound files from Star Citizen compressed data file "data.p4k" and from "app.asar" of RSI Launcher.
Choosen extracted music files on gDrive (I didn't change files name because I don't care and don't know titles of this songs)
Here is my recipies how to do this:
Music from Star Citizen v.3.16.1
This process take a lot of time about 6-8 hours depending from specs of your PC (here is mine) especially from your disk io read/write and a lot of disk resources (about 20~30GB)
- Download unp4k from this repo
- Extract files from "data.p4k" using unp4k tool. You can follow my steps:
- Create "windows symlink" for
via CMD command for root dir ofunp4k
mklink "Data.p4k" "C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE\Data.p4k"
- Start extraction process via CMD:
unp4k.exe "Data.p4k" *.bnk && unp4k.exe "Data.p4k" *.wem
Wait until process will end (this will take about ~7GB and approx. ~5min)
- Create "windows symlink" for
- Download and unzip Wwise-Unpacker to extracted directory "Data/Sounds"
- Remove dir "Game Files" from extracted repo
- Change dir name from "Data/Sounds/wwise" to "Data/Sounds/Game Files"
- Run "Unpack to MP3.bat" and wait until process will end (this will take about 11GB and approx. ~7h)
- Choose "N" to prevent from delete of source "*.pck" and "*.bnk" files
- Converted files will be available in directory "Data/Sounds/MP3" (there is a lot of data to convert, about 83 000 files so please wait until Windows Explorer will load all files)
- You could add file lenght time to sort filters in Windows Explorer to choose files you like to use (I choose files longer than 2m 59s)
Music from RSI launcher v.1.5.5
I based on this post
- Download Node.js and npm for Windows (or use WSL or copy target file to remote server or something else if you want)
- Install asar extracting tool
npm install -g asar
- Extract data from compressed file "C://Program Files/Roberts Space Industries/RSI Launcher/resources/app.asar" to choosed destination eg
asar extract app.asar .
(where "app.asar" is source file and "." is destination dir) - Go to dir where you extracted data from archive and go to "assets/sounds"
- Here are music files from launcher, you could forget about "*.wav" files (this is sound effects)
- To convert files from "*.ogg" to "*.mp3" you can use ffmpeg package
- for linux
for i in *.ogg; do ffmpeg -i "$i" "${i%.*}.mp3"; done
- for windows
FOR %%e IN (\*.OGG) DO ("Tools\\ffmpeg.exe" -i "%%e" -acodec libmp3lame -q:a 0 -y "%%\~ne.mp3" & DEL "%%e")
- for linux
(command for Windows will work only with "ffmpeg.exe" package eg from Wwise-Unpacker)
I also copy files to my phone and used Spotify "Local files" support for Desktop and Android to listen and dynamically switch devices.(Spotify support only "*.wav", "*.mp3" and FLAC with "Lavf58.29.100" lib format)
Finally I was able to extract most of the tracks, sort, tag and convert them all. This require some simple script and took a while to convert all files with high compression but now all tracks are named properly. Spotify can not handle this file conversion I think that it migh be too high? Idk I need some time to verify this.
Okay, I've to set lower quality for ffmpeg conversion form: 176kHz
ffmpeg -i ${file} -af aformat=s32:176000 -compression_level 12 "${export_dir}/${name}.flac" >/dev/null 2>&1
to: 48kHz (which is default value for ffmpeg)
ffmpeg -i ${file} -f flac "${export_dir}/${name}.flac" >/dev/null 2>&1
Now Spotify can play those tracks properly :D
Those files originaly are extracted via Wwise-Unpacker to OGG format with properties:
- bit rate: 60-250kbps
- sample rate: 48kHz
Then I convert them via ffmpeg to properties:
- bit rate: 1527kbps
- sample rate: 48kHz
Idk if this help somehow or just take more disk space but
Best regards,