Re-Watching Start Trek (2009 Movie), Plot Observation Nero...
So I'm rewatching the movie, mostly for the soundtrack in the background, I got pulled into the movie and I was thinking. If Nero gets pulled into the past, waits for Spock to appear to capture his ship for the red matter. Why doesn't he create a singularity to engulf the star of Romulus before in becomes supernova.
Sure the planet would be without a sun but eventually they would move to New Romulus. When I say New Romulus I'm referring to STO Star Trek Online.
Now I'm trying to understand how many times this story Arc of Vulcan vs Romulus getting destroyed:
Reading the Memory Alpha of Romulus; I just now realized or getting confused of the timelines. As this arc plays on. Let me try to get this straight.
In STO Star Trek Online; Vulcan is normal and Romulus is destroyed.
Star Trek (2009) Vulcan is destroyed and Romulus is fine.
In Picard. The story comes full circle explaining, Starfleet is spread too thin when Mars gets attack by bots, which Picard is unable convince them to save the Romulans, and Old Spock sends his singular ship to save romulus. Is this an alternate timeline; or the continuation of Star Trek (2009)?
How about TOS, TNG, VOY, DS9; timeline. Vulcan is fine and Romulus event hasn't happened yet?
A little help to clarify, I'm sure I'm missing on a lot.