Is Star Trek: Into the Unknown still being made?


There's a miniatures game called Star Trek: Into the Unknown that I first heard about towards the end of last year. As someone with fleet of Star Trek minis that I'd been hoping to find a game for, I was of course really excited (especially since it is/was going to have diplomacy and non-combat options included).

Apparently WizKids, the people making it, recently said they were stopping manufacturing of models for X-Wing (a game that I'd thought was really popular) due to the cost of making pre-painted minis. I already paint the minis for my fleets myself, so don't especially care if they're unpainted, but if the game as a whole gets cancelled, or released as just an initial wave that quickly loses support, then it'd be a real shame.

I was wondering if anyone knew anything, or if there had been any news beyond the announcement of it and a planned starter set?

Edit: Apparently the Into the Unknown website, which states the game is available for pre-order, is out of date, and it has in fact been released! I'll have to look up some reviews and see what people are saying about it