Got a few keys to give away

Decided to look through some bundles and things for extra keys, or games I don’t plan to play. Some are a bit old so hopefully all the steam keys work! Just comment which game/s you want and I’ll randomly pick in around 8 hours, 9pm EST. Hopefully formatting is fine, using the app and I don’t think I’ve made a post on mobile before lol

Colt Canyon

Cook Serve Delicious

Diggles: The Myth of Fenris

How to Say Goodbye

Injustice 2

Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor

Middle-Earth: Shadow of War

Mortal Komat 11 w/ ultimate add-on

Mortal Kombat XL

Recon Control

Sonic Adventure 2



Edit: redditraffler has done its thing, and all winners have been messaged their codes! Went in order of the raffler, and near the end had a few users with only a single game wanted that were already claimed so randomly chose people asking for the leftover codes.

Happy Holidays!