BM is giving birth today
TW: miscarriage
Not really much more than a vent...
BM is giving birth today to SS5 little brother. The thing is, by some cruel twist of fate we had gotten pregnant at the same time and I miscarried in April. I have no kids of my own, this was going to be my first. Our due dates were about a week a part.
We have SS right now and are waiting until it's time here soon for my SO to drop him off with BM mother so he can be there to meet his sibling. We took him to the store this morning to buy his brother a stuffed animal.
No one has done anything wrong. Even BM hasn't but it's so unfair. She already has a kid, why did I lose mine while she gets a second? My SO doesn't understand either, though he is trying to be supportive. He will always be a dad, there's still a chance I'll never be a mom...
It just hurts to think that if I hadn't miscarried I'd be getting ready right now to meet our little one...
Edit: I just want to say thank you to everyone on this thread. This is one reason I love this subreddit ❤️ you guys make me realize I'm not alone and I always feel heard here.