Looks like it’s over

After 17 years. You might have seen the post a couple of days ago about how hurt I am from being cut out of SD new baby life. As if I’m nothing to them

So. I wrote it all down. How hurt I am. How it’s a strange feeling. How i decided I can’t do the doting grandparent crap when they can barely tolerate me. To look after my mental health. I expected him to read it and tell me I’m over reacting. How dramatic I am. But we’d have a talk.

I said I need to talk to you about how I’m feeling

Well. Fuck me. He said he doesn’t care. He doesn’t want to talk or me to ‘come at him’

I didn’t see that coming. That’s it. I guess I’m done. I have no support. No one to talk to this about.

No money. No income. Stay at home mum. His house. I’m screwed and it’s all my fault. I don’t know what the hell im gonna do now. I can’t believe he’s that callous.

We have Citizens Advice here so I’m off to ask them tomorrow for help.