Do Bilateral Salpingectomies nearly prevent all pregnancies?

I was telling someone about how I wanted a Bisalp, but they said that it was effective but not quite as effective as some non-permanent birth control options (I think IUDs were what they mentioned). It looks like IUDs have a failure rate of 0.8%, Nexplanon has a failure rate of 0.1%, and Tubal Litigation has a failure rate of .0185%. I can’t seem to find anything on the failure rate for Bisalps, but from everything I’ve heard, it’s extremely rare to get pregnant after a Bisalp. One time there was a woman who was pregnant under it, and it was such a big deal that they wrote an article about it. Am I wrong? Is there a failure rate that I missed? One of the reasons I really want a Bisalp is because it would make it nearly impossible for me to get pregnant. Thank you to anyone who can provide me with advice.