How much can doctors see inside you during a laparoscopic bisalp?

I'm curious about this because of the wording in my procedure report:

A 5mm Visiport was advanced through the abdominal wall using direct visualization with the laparoscope, while elevating the abdominal wall. Intraperitoneal placement was confirmed. Pneumoperitoneum was achieved. Steep Trendelenburg was applied to the patient. Panoramic view showed the pelvic and abdominal anatomy without evidence of injury during trocar placement. Normal appearing uterus, bilateral fallopian tubes, and bilateral ovaries noted. A 5mm port was placed under direct visualization in the right lower quadrant. A 5mm port was placed under direct visualization in the left lower quadrant. Local anesthesia was injected prior to this. Survey of the upper abdomen was unremarkable.

At least to me this sounds like they were able to get at least a look at all of my abdominal and pelvic organs (" Panoramic view showed the pelvic and abdominal anatomy", "Survey of the upper abdomen was unremarkable") at least enough to state they all look normal. I assume they weren't really looking at my intestines or pancreas or whatever since they'd obviously be focusing on the pelvic area, but were they really able to see my other organs? I admit I'm mostly interested in this because I have severe severe health anxiety and some vague reassurance that the doctors could see that my organs aren't all 80% tumor is helpful actually!