Is this a completely stupid strategy?

Preface: noob here...

I started getting interested in investing a couple years ago and now my interest has expanded into trading as the potential seems so great. I am still learning, and there is so much to learn, and so many different strategies, and so many things to keep in mind! Until I feel fully confident, I still want to dabble with low risk and make the most of each day. I know that to really maximize the potential, I need to know what I'm doing, and that is definitely the intention to keep learning. I'm not looking to get rich overnight and I am keeping my expectations realistic. So this is what I am thinking and I just need to make sure this doesn't sound totally crazy:

Let's say there is a stock that fluctuates between $2 to $3 on average each day, not even including outlier periods. Let's say the day opens and I set a limit order at $2.50 and I have $3000 to spend on 1200 shares. I set a sell limit order at $2.58. So I profit 8 cents per share and end up with $96, maybe closer to $70 with capital gains taken into account.

If I did this every day for a month, I would have a nice extra $1,400. It feels very low risk given that the stock moves well over 8 cents each day. Typically about 25-40 cents per day at least, which is why 8 cents felt very conservative and totally achievable at a low risk.

This seems like a very easy way for me to make additional money each month without a ton of stress of reading candles, technical analysis, etc ... It feels too easy, what am I missing or not thinking of?

Does this sound realistic?