I just fuked up
I have been sober for 5 years now.
The old me used to drink and gamble money, money we didn't have, piss money away on alcohol.
I am away for work at the moment and it all just got so hard, I just couldn't handle it anymore.
Surrounded by bright lights, alcohol everywhere.
I went to the casino and lost $500 on black jack and roulette- stupid, stupid, stupid.
I didn't drink alcohol- but did have an zero alcohol beer.
I feel like such a fukin looser, the old me used to drink and gamble all the time and I put my family in such a bad financial position.
I just don't know what to do, I hate the old me- I fukin hate him and I don't want him to come back.
I haven't felt like this in years and I just don't know what to do.... Fuk what the fuck is wrong with me.
I am sorry for this rant, I just don't know what to do.
I feel like I have betrayed my wife and all the people on this sub.