I’m eating ALL the chocolate and it’s starting to worry me.

4 months & 15 days clean and sober here.

Sobriety is wonderful but I’m clearly doing some cross addiction shit and now I’m addicted to chocolate. I’ve eaten so many cream eggs that I’m starting to look like one.

I’m not very good at giving myself pep talks so I’m throwing it out to my people. The cravings are gonna stop right? Or what can I do to knock them on the head? Am I trying to tackle too much at once?

Validation & suggestions would be highly appreciated right now.


Edit: WOW I didn’t expect so many responses. Thank you so much to everyone here for their suggestions and support. Congratulations to all of you and your sobriety time, be it minutes, days or years. I’m so proud of us all! For those who are still contemplating sobriety, it’s totally worth it, chocolate n’ all!

Now if you’ll excuse me, there’s a bag of Mini Eggs that needs a good seeing to.