Do you think the emotional craving for alcohol can be greatly pacified by effective self-work?

I'm 34. Was sober between 25 and 30. Then sober for most of 32. Like most of you I have tried to come back to "normal" drinking and inevitably have failed. I have always been curious about whether or not my habits are an emotional response to past trauma/my upbringing, or if it's just 'how I am'. I know that's a pretty divisive stance. Some believe you are born an alcoholic, period, but I never really believed that.

Now I used to ask that question because I wanted to justify to myself that if I JUST did ENOUGH work on my self -- read enough literature, went to enough therapy, learned enough psychology -- I could finally drink like a normal person.

But now I am asking the same question but for a different reason. I want to know that if I can really dig down and sort out my real emotional issues, to the best of my ability, will that help me STAY sober, when, inevitably, in months or years from now, I convince myself to try it again.

I don't want to do it again. But when I was in my 20s and I quit, I was SO, SO sure that I'd be sober forever (I know, big mistake, one day at a time etc). I never wavered, I never struggled. Sure I was bored at times but I embraced life. But then something in my brain changed and I was like "Yeah actually I should try again."

I know how good I feel now and how little I truly want alcohol, but I know myself and I know I will probably convince myself to do it at some point in the future.

I have learned a lot about myself, my motivations, the parts of my life that still hold negative emotion that I need to work out. I've read all the books that are discussed here about drinking. I hope that if I can really sort my shit out, I will stay strong in this comfort of sobriety.

Sorry if this is rambling. Just wondering if anyone has any advice for not letting myself trick myself long down the road.