Stop drinking when sad

Having a rough time today. My (30) husband (30M) asked me for a divorce today. He's been extremely stressed with work and family issues and I thought we could make it through and he disagreed.

Long story short, I am feeling very much like having a few drinks to take the edge off. I've done so well - today is 44 days since I quit drinking and I was drinking heavily before. I don't want to fall back into the cycle but a workout doesn't feel like enough to help right now. Has anyone been through something similar and can share how you've channeled your drinking to cope method into exercise instead? I can really use some ideas.


Thank you everyone for the advise and support. After I posted yesterday I took some melatonin and basically slept the day and night away, so it's nice to wake up to so much encouragement. I appreciate all the kind words and helpful tips. Most of everyone reminded me that it's just not worth it to take that first sip and you're all right. I won't let my progress recede because of this. I'll go on lots of walks and do my best to channel my stress into a healthy outlet. Tougher times are ahead but I don't want to go back to my old way of dealing with things. I want to be better for me