Put a finger down if

You have had a vanilla friend who is obviously no longer a friend because you cut her off for being to clingy and superficially obsessive all while failing to reciprocate when it came to planning things or communicating who now hates you even more because she found out you’re a dancer even though you never told her you don’t tell anyone you’re a dancer for safety reasons a guy you used to date years ago told her because I blocked him and refused to speak to him so his autistic narcissistic ass went on a smear campaign and told all of my business to random people I follow on instagram and she’s now messaging me saying she wants to have sex with me because she thinks strippers are gay and she thinks I will have sex with her if she keeps asking over and over because “how can you not be gay when surrounded by all those drunk women expressing their sexual energy” and is currently calling me a user of men a piece of shit not able to afford my own life and is very upset that I have a list of tricks and customers and a boyfriend and my own makeup studio confirming why I do not associate with vanilla women closely and only have dancer SB SWer and housewife friends
