Travel dancing alone fooking sucks

How tf do y’all find girls to travel with? I see it all the time, a duo or trio or like 5 girls sharing a place and getting hired together. I have plenty of trusted dancer colleagues who I ask to go here and there but none of them have followed through on anything. I’ve been traveling dancing alone the past 8 months (pushing for 12) and a bitch is tired. Not only am I not able to save much on slow nights but damn wouldn’t it be nice to split the cost of all of these things ugh. I’m lucky to have a little support from my family and my boyfriend takes care of my flights (sometimes) but it’s still not as satisfying as I’d like it to be. Like I can barely go on excursions because the hotel or whatever I’m staying in takes half my bag then there’s food, rental cars and self care. Then when I do go on excursions I’m begging strangers to take my pictures lmfaooo I might have to pick the city I do the best in and live there long term.

How many of you travel dance and do you go alone or with a partner/partners? What differences do you feel when going alone vs with a partner or group?