Still can't climb from iron 4 after 180 games
I watched a video from Jackspektra today, from a couple of days ago titled "How to climb in any rank". He said this: "If you can't climb in iron, you likely have ping or some kind of performance issue.". My ping is 20 consistently and my FPS is around 200.
Vex stats:
80 wins - 100 losses (44%)
KDA: 6.4/5.0/5.7 (2.44:1)
Laning: 50:50 (51%)
DMG: 687.5/m (20.9%)
CS 185 (5.9/m)
Mastery is at level 17 now, because I get a lot of S-ratings.
My stats are constantly increasing. My CS used to be below 5. I've been getting 7+CS/m for a lot of games, pulling the average up. I didn't realise how important it was because I was a new player, but now I do.
KDA is steadily getting better. I'm winning lanes more way more often, now that I know what almost all my matchups do. I looked all of them up after I faced them, to learn their ranges and mechanics.
I've made friends with a gold player, and he looked at a game with me. He even spectates me every now and then, to give me pointers. His advice helps my macro, like spotting times to split push. However even he's shocked at my matchups. He's said I'm against a smurf more than once. He's pointed out how insanely hard my team is throwing.
I had a 4/11/4 top laner blame the jungler all game. The jungler was a bit passive and not farming, but it's not his job to help recover a losing lane. He was at least helping the winning lanes. I know I can turn chat off. I don't need to. I have a strong mental. I ignore them and just type motivational stuff.
opgg: caerwyn#0000 (EUW)