questions regarding settings

there are a couple of things i'm slighyly confused by.

for one, i've heard that the engine breaks at higher fps counts.

i have a 360hz monitor, should i have my fps uncapped or should i cap it to 144fps?

since from what i understand, 144fps is the limit before the engine experiences issues.

also should i have movement prediction on, if i cap my game at 144fps?

since movement prediction breaks for me if i have more than 144fps (i start lagging/teleporting around)

or would it be better for me to leave my fps uncapped and movement prediction off?

the difference is nowhere near as big in terms of smoothness and responsiveness, compared to cs/val, but it's still noticeable to a certain extent.

also what my resolution?

it seems like almost everyone uses 1920x1080, but wouldn't 4k give you more of a zoomed out pov, thus you have an easier time seeing what is happening around the map?

i've heard people say that 4k res makes mouse clicks more difficult, but if you're trying maximize mouse clicks, wouldn't a lower resolution be better? such as 1024x768?

so why is 1920x1080 the gold standard? is it the best of both worlds?

i've also seen some people play windowed, how viable is that? what advantages/disadvantages does it bring?