How to introduce my 4 year old son to Superman?

I have never been a huge Superman guy. I have seen all the movies (Reeves, the 2006 one, man of steel) but never gotten really in to it, in to it. The trailer for the new movie has me really excited. I want to take my 4-year old son to it as our first daddy-son movie (we have previously been to kiddie movies as a family with mom, seeing stuff like Moana 2 and the Trolls movie, for example). I really want this to be our first father-son movie that we see.

So how do I get him in to Superman? What tv shows would you recommend for a 4-year old or do you think staring with comic books is a good idea? If so, what issues would be appropriate? He loves Spiderman because they have a low level show on Disney+ called Spidey and his amazing friends or something. I'm looking to stuff that is on par with that, if that makes sense.
