_______ was right

Jake. Targeting Julie instead of Kaleb last week was smart and indicated how much he was thinking ahead and not just day-to-day. I understand why Katurah didn't do it at the time--and the future is hard to predict--but the cost has been high.

Previously, Reba let two Reba players go that they viewed as possibly flipping to other alliances. At the same time it made Reba look slightly divided and lowered their threat level as a tribe. After that, they took out a dynamic player (Kaleb) who was playing the middle.

This meant that Belo had almost no one to rely on (only Emily, technically) for numbers at this tribal. They were doomed the moment Bruce lost his vote because they lost the numbers then and there. And Emily isn't much of an actual option as a number because she doesn't have much of a relationship with Belo but does have reasons to distrust Bruce.

That said, there were probably A LOT of conversations left out of the edit and its possible that former Belo members talked about the possibility of being played by Reba. I assume every such conversation was ruined by Bruce telling everyone how to behave.