Operation: Italy is the current top rated Survivor episode ever
Currently on IMDB, last nights episode is rated the best ever in Survivor history with a 9.6.
Does this match the sentiment of people in this subreddit?
For me, it was a rollercoaster!
Production and the gameplay both came together to form one of the most perfect Survivor episodes in my opinion.
The suspense was palpable. The way production left us guessing until the very end was masterful. I considered the possibility that I would lose desire to watch the rest of the season if the alliance of 4 succeeded. The game would become incredibly predictable with players who haven’t made many moves in control. We as an audience had little to no certainty that the bottom 3’s plan would work until we saw that 2nd Caroline vote be shown.
The odds were insanely against the bottom 3 and their plan couldnt have worked without the efforts of Andy. Everything hinged on his desire to flip and ability to convince people that Genevieve had an idol.
Definitely critique me on this because I’ve only watched seasons 25ish and on but would yall consider this to be one of the best moves in Survivor history? And how do we feel about Andy as a player? He’s chaotic but I told my girlfriend after the episodes that I think he’s one of the best Survivor players ever, whether he means to be or not. He’s dictated the elimination of 3 people now I believe?
They were the minority.
Had no idol or safety net.
The majority had immunity, an idol, and a block a vote on their side.
It required acting up until the end of tribal council which not everyone can get through without giving away the secret.
I remember thinking Malcom’s double idol play was insane but I’d argue that Andy did more with way less and arguably cemented the win in my eyes if he can make it to the end. He can easily argue that neither Sam nor Genevieve would’ve made it that far without him pulling off this move.