Meat pricing whinge

Standard cost of living whinge here. I just wanted some crap beef to make some home-made jerky with. Really just about anything unprocessed would do (not corned beef). The best Coles could offer was $20/kg for CHUCK steak. Chuck I tell you!

Yes I know about wholesalers. The last time we went to the Meat Emporium in Alexandria, the specials we bought were rancid once thawed, and the regularly-priced stuff was not that better price-wise. We used to buy whole beef tenderloin or sirloin to cut up for steaks.

Aldi I hear you say? I haven't seen cuts of thick enough to do a good steak, but maybe I was just unlucky on the day. I prefer to cook my own but if I can't do it for about 1/2 the cost of a *fantastic* restaurant steak, I won't bother.

The fairly mid-range butcher next to our Coles sells prime rib "on special" for $85/kg

Anyone have any good leads for reasonably-priced meat?

Update: We went to one of the Asian butchers in DeeWhy. Great people. Managed to buy what I needed and they even gave me some pig skin for crackling for $3/kg. The chuck steak was almost the same $20/kg though. I guess that’s just what it costs now. Right now it’s being turned into kickass jerky.