Company shutting down- need all O365 data exported to on-prem 140TB

Hello, so yeah Im boned. Anyway, anyone have any idea how to do an emergency eject of data out of O365. All Exchange to pst files, and all SharePoint and Onedrive data which all totals 140TB. Oh and our C suite can barely spell CLOUD much less understand how hard this will be. Hopefully Ill be laid off this week and wont have to deal with it.

Thank you everyone for your suggestions. Even the "WTH you doing anything?" comments. BTH im just riding out the storm so i can get unemployed. This was no surprise to me i saw it coming for a while now.

They are going with the manually download option. Yeah I know they will not get all the data out before our MS reseller turns off the tenant access, cause you know we are behind on paying the bill and its a lot.

I found a tool that works well and is easy to use, its not faster per say but it downloads without files being zipped and its cheap and shows errors.