Maturing is realizing how fucking obnoxious Tara Yummy is.

I used to love Tara Yummy in previous years like many of you in this subreddit but seeing how she is now, it’s so embarrassing for a girl her age to be constantly living the college party girl life and acting like a Pick Me Bitch every chance she gets. I get it she’s still young but come on at 24 I had a big girl job fresh out of college. This girl grew up rich and had parents who worked hard and gave her everything. Hell I’m sure her parents would have paid for her college tuition if she ever went. This girl will never know what it’s like to work a 9-5 and grow up living in poverty and being poor. I hope someone like her eventually meets her downfall and is in for a rude awakening. I lowkey hate her for what a selfish and narcissistic bitch she is.