Games continually crashing with an eventual system crash. Help?

So I got some new ram for Christmas, 32GB pair replacing my old 16GB mix n match pair. After getting it installed and working out some issues of it not being detected, I went about gaming. I played some Infinite Warfare Zombies, Tarkov, and some other older games. I eventually decided to play Warhammer 40k Darktide. Now, the game is known for crashing and having optimization issues. A day or two after I got the game, it started crashing as to be expected, but it was crashing a lot more than usual. After about it crashing six times, I hoped back in the match and it froze again. Only this time, it didn’t just crash the game, it made my PC BSOD. I initially thought this was some super rare issue cause by the game. One of a kind.

Later, I decided to play Halo Infinite. Same thing happened. The game crashed about 3 times and on the 4th time it BSOD’d my PC. This time, I caught the stop code which was “REOURCE_NOT_OWNED”. I talked with a friend and he thought it may have been a problem with the newly installed ram. We decided to try Memtest86 and the ram passed all the tests. This told us that it wasn’t a hardware issue but a software issue. After we looked through all the mini dumps and full dump files, my friend suggested that I may have had a virus.

He recommended Kaspersky Anti Virus and I ran a full scan. What do you know, it found some stuff. Malware from a Chrome plug in I had and something that infected the system memory. Those were then deleted and disinfected. Problem solved, right? I thought that after playing Apex for 2 hours straight with no crashes at all! Until I played another few matches the day after and my PC BSOD’d. This time the stop code was “SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION” with it saying that dxgkrnl.sys failed. I asked my friend what to do and he couldn’t really find much from the dump files. I decided to do the DDU safe mode uninstall and reinstall of my graphics drivers and hile I haven’t had a system crash yet, Fortnite did crash today which makes me think the problem is still persisting.

Let me know if you have any suggestions or fixes in the comments but I think a full reinstall of Windows is probably going to be my ultimatum.