My parents wanna invade my privacy over a slip up
I’ll explain
Im a 1337 r/masterhacker member and broke into my schools shit with a basic directory transversal attack
I warned the helpdesk about this vulnerability and I asked for around 80$ usd to tell them how I did it (it’s normal it’s called bug bounties)
Apparently I am way to autistic as I got screwed over and suspended for 3 days
my parents now wanna spy on me now and wanna invade my own privacy (I’m 16) they wanna install nanny cam spyware on my phone and laptop (which I refused)
I’ve gotten my phone back but need my bbl (big black laptop) back
What should I do I’m shit broke and they wanna control me because of this I’m in a mental shithole and didn’t have my phone for 2 weeks straight