Am I being mentally abused
I put NSFW because I talk about SH.
I'm a 14F and I need to understand if I'm the wrong one or if my mom is. The problem is that when I was 11 (7th grade) I had a very bad fight with my best and only friend (we'll call her Anna). In elementary school we were kids and acted like kids, in 7th grade everyone in my class changed and started acting like high schoolers (insulting and such things). I was pretty much confused by this but I wanted to "fit" in the whole thing so I started acting like that too and one day at PE I told someone that Anna was an asshole, but of course I was just joking and I didn't really wanted to insult her. (Consider that Anna insulted me A LOT of times before this happened and also told me death threats and such things). That person told Anna about this and she cried and told the teacher. Of course, everyone in my class if not the whole school went to know about this and I clearly remember the moment when EVERYONE in the class came to me all together and started to yell at me, insult me and such things. I didn't speak to anyone for a month or so and when I came home I broke down crying and couldn't even stand still. Anna did too. She cried and her mom noticed so she called my mom and they talked about this. My mom got mad at me but I wasn't able to tell her that she insulted me too because she didn't let me speak. That was when it all started. Now, 3 years later, we barely talk to each other (me and my mom) and every little thing I do is always wrong, even the most meaningless one. She also started to talk bad about my father. Example: Every time we're at dinner and my father says something, she rolls her eyes or/and gives me light kicks under the table, so that I will look at her and she can give me a "He's such an asshole" look. Now, I told her A LOT of times that I don't like this but she keeps doing it every day. I try to ignore it, she kicks me harder and I'm basically forced to look at her. When there's an ad on the tv or something like one about a happy family, she always says things like "They're so lucky" "How I wish to have a great husband" etc. They talked about divorce around 2 years ago, and I thought about that in class. The teacher asked me to leave the class and tell her why I was crying and I told her the reason (the divorce). She comforted me and PROMISED she wouldn't tell my mom about this. She did. My mom knew it. She asked me why I told her and I said "I was feeling sad, I needed to let it out" and she complained about me being too emotional, sensitive and stuff and saying I didn't have to tell anybody about this. Around a year later she said that it was all a joke and they weren't really divorcing. But she said it in a way that sounded like I was crazy or I didn't need to react like that. I'm pretty sure I'm depressed too and I don't really want to shower, but she forces me to do it at least on Sundays. One day I went to the shower and I was cleaning myself when she walked in the bathroom to do her things. I waited for her to leave because I was feeling uncomfortable, so I stopped washing myself. She saw that, opened the shower and forced me to shower in front of her. To be clear, she didn't touch me, she didn't stare at my private parts or anything like that. I was feeling uncomfortable and I cried, because I didn't want to be stared at while showering. She laughed and told me "If you weren't naked I would have recorded you just to show you how pathetic you are. Crying for a shower" while I was really just crying because of her staring at me. Every time I try to vent to her she makes it about herself so I stopped venting to her and she get mad because I don't open up to her and don't trust her. Also, she hates when someone does something but she does the exact same and expect other people to be happy about it. She also hates my grandma (mother of my FATHER) and everytime she comes home (usually she comes every Sunday) she forces me to go to another room, lock myself there and not talk to her. One day my grandma asked me something and I answered her and my mother gave me a FURIOUS look. When she went back home my mother complained about it, got mad at me and screamed at me. Last thing (I'm sorry I'm making this long but I have no one to talk to 😭), when I was 12/13 I used to h4rm myself a lot, hiding it by a hoodie. My teachers found out and told my mom. A normal mother would comfort her child, right? "Oh my god, my kid is h4rming themselves. It's not a good thing, it means they're sad and I must help them" right? Well, she did not. She yelled at me and slapped me and made me feel useless and just want to do it more. She took away the c*tter I used and one day I needed one to do a school project and to cut the paper. I asked her one, she gave me the one I used to do that and said "you remember it?" in a mocking tone. Like to make me feel bad or guilty about it. I don't understand if all of this could be considered abuse or not, but I really need to know. She never hurt me PHYSICALLY but a lot mentally and emotionally and her excuse to not hurt me physically is "I would go to jail". So it makes me thing that she would actually want to hurt me but can't because of jail? I'm sorry I made it long and maybe said useless things but I need to know really bad if this is abuse and if it is, what should I do to have a great relationship with her. I don't want to have it, but since I have to wait 4 more years to leave my home and go to live alone, at least I need to have a great relationship with her or I'll k1ll myself before I reach 18 years old. I'm sorry for bad grammar, English isn't my first language, but I hope you understand.