How long do you (usually) take in the shower?

A bit of background on me asking this question:

So i was gaming with the boys last night and the topic of convo went to showering, I said I take a moderate 5-7 mins, this is because I live with two women and if I take any longer, I get shouted at (which is hypocritical cause they take twice the time it takes me) and two of them said they take a full 20 mins. Like imo, boys only really need like 10 mins or less and girls need smth like 15-20 mins cause they need to shampoo, condition etc

Edit: also forgot to mention, that one of the boys that takes 20mins says he showers once a week 🤮 he says this cause he has eczema also hasn’t fully hit puberty (even tho he’s the oldest of the group)

Edit: for all the past and future comments saying:

‘BoYs UsE sHaMpOo/CoNdItIoNeR tOo’

What I mean is that girls have a lot of extra steps when it comes to showering, not saying all but most do

Edit: after reading a comment from an ‘Old’ user, I’ve been proven wrong (not by her, but by other ‘young’ people) on the whole ‘woman are more high maintenance in the shower’