Unpopular opinion: The Bear is overrated
Some spoilers included! Beware!
I just watched the first season of this show after seeing lots of positive reviews.
Having worked in restaurants once upon a time, I do appreciate the attention to detail and the way it highlights the ups and downs of kitchen life (especially with regards to how accepted bad behaviour is in the workplace)
All that being said, it was a mediocre show all around, in my opinion. It wasn’t bad, but from the press coverage I expected it to be top notch.
My take: Very little development of characters (with what seemed to be a perfect setup to go deep) and a predictable plot. You just know they will find some way to turn the restaurant around!
There were some good twists here and there (Richie getting arrested, Sydney quitting etc.) but nothing permanent.
Also, I get they wanted to portray the hustle and brashness of kitchens but the constant yelling and busyness of certain scenes in the first few episodes was overwhelming in a bad way.
Anybody else have similar thoughts? Or am I the odd one out?
Edited for typos.