TF2 is killing my hard drive?

Its happened TWICE now. I load up TF2, get in a match, game is super jittery/freezing, I have to force close it with ALT+F4. My hard drive is now 'dead.' I can see folders but any file I try to open is "missing." I restart my computer, drive no longer shows up. I have windows on a separate SATA drive so it still works fine.

First time this happened, a few days ago, I ended up fixing it by physically removing the m.2 drive and putting it back in. After that TF2 and everything else I tried worked just fine so I figured it was a fluke and went about my business.

I have yet to try reseating it this time because its late as hell right now, I'll give it a go tomorrow maybe. But what could possibly be causing this!? Crystal Disc Info showed the drive at 100% health once I got it back working the first time? I still have a couple weeks of warranty left if I need to get it replaced. Do you think TF2 is corrupt somehow?