Is Trump intentionally screwing over the US?

Okay, we all no he's a moron on his last legs of forming a cognitive sentence but I'm sure someone has explained to him that tariffing everything is going to explode inflation and make everything more expensive. Now, I get the subjugation thing of the poorer you make them the easier they are to control, but the latest of the chips coming from Taiwan? That's going to set the US back in the tech sector significantly, not to mention all the other tariffs will make domestic manufacturing expensive so things made in the US will go up as well. The bigger trade picture of countries moving away from trade with the US and strengthening ties with Europe and China will eventually have large ramifications for US trade which will definitely hurt the economy. Pulling the rug out on green energy while the rest of the world invests in the cheapest energy we've ever had, this is only going to put the US behind every other developed nation making the transition to renewables. Sure oil is energy dense but it's not affordable to produce and refine. We all know Trump in stubborn and will refuse to change course on anything if he has to admit he was wrong, but surely somebody has sat him down and told him that this course will decimate the American economy when the only thing he can really brag about the last time in office was the economy. Is he tanking the US for Putin? Or is he really that stupid and out of control?