I have a "Health" addiction...

I don't think there's a solution, I just felt it might help if...I acknowledge there might be a problem.

I'm pretty sure I have too much health.

I'm not trying to be a "Tank," I'm not even sure how to be one and I hate shields, but my "Health" value is now 500K.

When I change my gear and my "Health" drops down into the 300K's...I can't handle it.

The difference between 500 and 300 is so big it doesn't feel right, it feels wrong.

I think I experience 'Health withdrawal' - every bit of damage I take I keep thinking, 'this wouldn't happen if I had my normal health level.'

I've tried to go 'cold-turkey' and go without it but...I keep going back.

Has anyone ever had a problem like this?

Has there been an Attribute/stat you had a hard time giving up?