What is the message of the story in TLOU2?

This is something that I’m wondering because whenever I see people saying that it’s just a “revenge is bad” message, there are others who say that they missed the point. I haven’t really seen anyone genuinely answer this question.

Reason I’m asking this is because I genuinely despise this game and I had no real connection with the first game (in fact, after years of everyone calling it a masterpiece, when I finally got a ps4, I played it. It was good just nothing special imo). I want to preface that. It’s a game that, I will be honest, had me hooked in the beginning but then it snowballed into a game that I deleted as soon as I finished. I have my reasons, however, I want to know your guys opinions as maybe I missed out on something. I want to have an open mind.

Edit: Thank you guys for your comments, I’ve read through as many as I could and I’m now currently downloading 1 and 2. I’m going to go into these games with your comments in the back of my head. Thank you again, for giving me some good answers and for not downvoting me to oblivion. Also, should I play on one of the harder difficulties? I heard it enhances the experience.