Is this why?

So in my last post I’ll admit I worded things horribly. I wasn’t trying to bash Cedric and Omar for changing their sound or making new music in general. I watched footage and of Un Disparo Al Vacio earlier I thought it was interesting and I thought the collab Cedric was doing with Terri was pretty cool. I do think it is an interesting opportunity they are playing unreleased stuff as well. The point I was trying to make was I saw some others complain at previous shows that Frances and Deloused was played too much and I was asking everyone if that might’ve contributed Cedric and Omar’s decision into making the set all new stuff instead of a mix of old and new. Again I’m not bashing the new sound or new music but I do understand some of the disappointment some are coming from for the those who are seeing MV for the first time. For those who are bashing the new sound and new music I do agree it is messed up they’re doing that and some are being too vitriolic about it and expecting to play the same old sets forever. bands change stuff all the time I understand it’s commonplace. I hope this clarified things and I’m not trying to argue with anyone lol.