Hollywood publicist & marketing agent Nicole Wool will regret getting involved
It is only a matter of time that ridicule and negativity will cause Nicole Wool to conclude it just isn't worth it. She probably doesn't want to allow her career to degenerate into the butt of jokes about this farce. In fact she has to be having serious doubt if it is worth it.
All she has issued is one simple press release to ABC and likely she's already having to explain herself and why she ever got involved in this bizarre story.
Now she realizes there are so many questions and that so many people think there's a hoax or dishonesty involved, that she risks gaining the reputation of being a hoaxster or a Three-ring Circus Ringmaster. Wouldn't be surprised if we've also seen the last of any public statements by Nicole Wool - no matter how much she's being paid or what percentage of the made-for-TV movie revenue she's been promised in this deal. At some point she's gonna look at how ridiculous Cameron Gamble appears and how he's been discredited, ridiculed and become the butt of jokes and Nicole is gonna say, OMG- I am not gonna throw away my entire career and end up like that. And I sure don't want to get embarrassed so badly by these people that I end up going into hiding like the Papini's to avoid the jokes & mockery.