My self-doubt is affecting my dating life
I’ve been talking to this girl for about a month now and it’s going really well. The conversation is great, I think she is so attractive and so interesting. She’s the first person in a long time that I’ve felt a connection with. We met on a dating app and haven’t had a chance to meet in person yet. The problem is I can’t get out of my head that when she meets me in person she’s not going to actually like me. Which I know isn’t rational, she knows what I look like, I haven’t acted anyway different than my normal self when talking to her. She’s told me how she feels about me and it’s all been positive. I just have this fear that when she sees me she won’t think I’m attractive or she’ll think I’m weird. I can feel myself pull away a little bit when we start making plans to hang out bc I’m so nervous. I don’t want to bring this fear or self doubt into a relationship, I don’t get why I can’t just believe and accept that she really does think I’m attractive. I’ve been trying to work on my self image for a while, and try am actively trying to. I just grew up around a lot of self hate and it’s so deeply engrained into me. I feel like I’m ready for a relationship but I don’t want this to affect it. And I don’t want to mess this up either. I don’t know what to do so any advice would be greatly appreciated!