Most delusional moment for a character in the series?

Mine’s gotta go to Carmela genuinely believing she can end up with half (or more) of Tony’s assets in a divorce. You married a god damn mob boss. You have no idea what his net worth is whilst married to him. She probably couldn’t even guess what country a single one of his offshore accounts are in, let alone how to access them. Did she really believe there was a future where a judge uttered the words “in the matter of Mr. Sopranos Shylock business, you will receive 50% of all future profits in perpetuity…” I see where AJ got his smooth brain from. Discontinue the lithium, Carmela.

That or Puss attempting to try out for the FBI in his car chase while talking into a voice recorder, like the numb nuts he is. Puss, you’re a fat fuckin’ crook from New Jersey. You’re over 50 years old and were once referred to as the “fat one” in the Jersey Crew which is certainly an achievement. You watch too many movies.

Any that I’m forgetting? There are some truly brain dead moments and brain dead characters in this show, I must be missing some.