T430 FHD Upgrade Fail - It RIP?

I tried to install a FHD kit on an old T430 and things haven't quite gone to plan. Not only did the FHD screen not work (and the controller board seemed to fry), I'm now having trouble getting the original screen to fire up. Currently I'm living the black screen of death. I purchased the board off Aliexpress. It came with some really poorly written instructions warning you about static burning out the board. I removed the battery and discharged the laptop as recommended. I very much doubt static caused this, more likely a typical temu,alibaba product etc.

I don't know if the motherboard is partially fried, the cable is damaged or I damaged the initial screen when removing it although I doubt it as I've replaced screens before without incident. Is there a controller board I might have damaged?

This is a HDD model waiting for an SSD and you can hear the typical sounds of a laptop booting, so it's not completely gone but am I likely looking for another second hand one lol?


