Does anyone remember earthschoolstudent (now iphoneuser19869908)

She was like a really bad alcoholic and she was always on live just going on and on or getting herself in situations or wandering around a hotel lost. Then she put herself in rehab and that's when I started to follow her again, when she got out and she changed her TT name to glassy house 333 or something like t hat. Now she's under iPhoneuser19.. (a bunch of nu mbers). Well she is on live now drinking and lamenting about her recent ex-boyfriend going to court to get him to leave her alone because he was her sponsor also and her co-worker who just qot her fired as well and also took over her apartment that she was able to keep through everything and forced her to move into a new apartment that she can't pay rent on because she no longer has a job. Sorry I know that was a lot in one sentence but that's the gist of it if anyone wants to go take a look.

Also she is ignoring her dog who is whining because he probably needs to go out 😔