[android] [2010-2015?] Girl getting diagnosed with narcolepsy

(sorry for bad formatting, I'm on phone)

I remember playing a game about a girl getting diagnosed with narcolepsy as a kid. I remember it stuck out to me Because I think the disorder is interesting. I believe it was a 2D visual novel style I remember it having a soft color palette and lines, think A Little To The Left or Sticky Business.

At the beginning the MC would wake up, eat, go to school, come home, do work, go to bed. You'd do this cycle once or twice before she'd faint in class, for each area you'd have 3 options you could do (ex: when you do work you can either study, play backet ball, or clean)

You'd do this cycle once or twice before she'd faint in class, then it'd happen again(?) and she'd be sent home for a few days because people think she's sick. For those 3(?) days she's wake up and not have the energy or motivation to do practically anything. Eventually the MC's mom would take her to the doctor and she'd be diagnosed. When she eventually returns to school her friend(s?) meet her at her locker and ask why she was out of school. So the MC explains narcolepsy and the friends don't understand. They think she's faking/being lazy(?).

Beyond this my memory gets fuzzy but I'm pretty sure her friends start bullying her in class.