I’m ready but a little scared

I’ve been thinking about taking the plunge with tirz for over a year now. I’ve stalked this sub and all the comments and finally ordered from LSH and my meds just got delivered!! While I’m really excited because I’ve read tons of your tips, tricks, dos and don’ts, I am still somehow so scared to start this journey.

My life revolves around food…socializing over meals, trying new restaurants, cooking new recipes, routine snacks and my beloved “taco Tuesday’s”. OBVIOUSLY that is what has gotten me into the situation of needing to lose 50+ pounds!

I guess what I am asking from you all is…How do you do it?! I don’t really have many hobbies so I’m worried that I’m just going to be a boring bump on a log without my familiar comforts of food and alcohol to socialize and distract myself.

Also welcoming any starting suggestions like which spot do you prefer your shot, things that help with the side effects, favorite snacks, any other solid advice. Thanks in advance!