Guys, I'm really struggling over here...

I am a 35 year old male. I started off at 340 pounds and with nothing but hard work in the gym, I dropped 40 pounds in 6 months. However, I've always struggled with binge eating, especially at night, and this was the cause of my slow weight loss.

This is what brought me to Tirz. The information I found on this sub and other sites was that it could help those with BED, so it was a no brainer for me.

I took my first 2.5 shot 4 days ago and for the first 2 nights I was doing great, but last night and tonight, I ate. And I ate. And I ate some more. All of this despite feeling extremely full. It got so bad that I felt so sick yesterday, but that still didn't stop me! SMH

At this point, I know its a mental thing. I've always suspected that I'm addicted to the overly full feeling, but after taking Tirz, that is 100% confirmed to myself.

I do want to add that in the daytime hours overeating is not an issue at all. My self control is S-Tier, but at night I just lose all control.

I know this is probably not an issue too many people have, but has anyone here overcome anything like this? I can really use some encouragement from those who can give insight from personal experience...