gross Ousia update
A bunch of us have formed a group and have been in touch with the Florida Department of Health about this issue as part of the process of trying to get refunds. The FL DOH is now investigating complaints from many patients.
It turns out Ousia shipped a bunch of medication over multiple months from an undisclosed location that the DOH had never inspected. If your meds came from a Crystal River return address, they were shipped, and possibly compounded, in a leased building that was not licensed as either a compounding or a regular pharmacy and that the DOH was not informed about and did not have an opportunity to inspect.
At some point, possibly AFTER doing all this, Ousia filed for a change of address with the DOH, but the timeline indicates they had already been shipping and possibly mixing meds from there for some time before DOH got to inspect. In fact, I'm not sure DOH has even inspected yet.
Also, they were only ever licensed to ship medications to 2 US states and were shipping all over the country.