neighbor threatening to call cops & cps because my 2 year old cries

my new downstairs neighbor moved in about a month ago, funnily enough my 2 year old had a horrible tantrum where she cried for about 5 mins maybe 10. neighbor came upstairs cussing me out and telling me to quiet my child or he’d call cps on me. i let him know it was not quiet hours and if he didn’t leave my door i would get the cops involved since he was being aggressive. office spoke with him and let him know he cannot come to my door much less for a crying child. well 2 nights ago my 2 year old woke up at around 1 am? she was crying and sobbing. for context she has to wear a brace at night since she has a disability. now that she’s getting older she hates it. she woke up wanting to take it off. it was a bit of a wrestle with her but i got her sleeping again it wasn’t longer than 5 minutes. in the morning i woke up to a note from the same neighbor saying if he hears her cry one more time he will get the police and cps involved. i should mention she cries like any normal toddler would but it honestly doesn’t happen often enough for him to threaten cps. my child is so well cared for and just doesn’t look abused and isn’t abused at all. i’m feeling so frustrated and uncomfortable being at my own home, i just wanted to rant and to know if anyone else has experienced something similar and how they handled it