3 next month…
My daughter has been a pain at bedtime lately. Keeps stalling bedtime with im hungrys, i need to poo, lay with me a little bit, one more books, one more songs and constantly calls me back in for a hug and a kiss. Bedtime is at 8pm, and I have tried to do it earlier to give her plenty of time.
She has been in a screaming phase and that does not seem to end. We have tried many different methods to be as gentle as possible but I have reached my limit. She has been screaming for me in the middle of the night and only wanting a hug, which I am happy to give but when the screaming isnt cause she’s scared but that she woke up and is bored or wants attention, z m i finally just let her cry it out right, and she on for a good 20 minutes with high pitched screams and cries. I feel horrible as I have always tried to be there for get with open arms and encouraged her to use her words. I feel like a huge hypocrite…
Some background: she was sleep trained by 3 months and have always been a good napper and sleeper for the most part. She loves daycare and her baby brother is almost 6 months. I realize the new sibling is a huge change but she honestly loves him so much, and i think sometimes she is confused when she feels jealousy.
Now i dont even know where I was going with this… Just.. defeated and tired.