On horses in LOTR
The only animals that get at least a little space in the story are ponies/ horses. And even then we don’t get much details on them. But what we get – well, almost all horses are absolutely awesome - and as a sworn horse -lover I cannot overlook it!
Most of them are also exceptionally smart and loyal.
Let’s have a look at what is there:
-Shadowfax – the most outstanding royal, magical -like horse. Beautiful, smart, and incredibly swift. The only possible match for the White Rider.
-Asfaloth – the mighty, white beauty serving Glorfindel. Swift, light and majestic. He carries Frodo through Bruinen, even with the Nine on his heels. That shows not only his immense determination and courage, but also his enormous trust in his master’s orders.
-Roheryn – Aragorn’s horse, brought to him by the Grey Company. Being given to Aragorn by Arwen herself, he is most probably an Elven horse, bred in Imladris. He carries his master through the Path of the Dead. And he must love him dearly and be incredibly loyal, as, bearing the leader of the Company, he needs to enter the Path first.
-Bill the Pony – while he is not so mighty or noble breed as any of the mentioned above, he is an absolute legend of his own right. Even though he is technically bought by Frodo, he is absolutely Sam’s pony. He is also extremely resilient: he is the only animal-like creature to be taken on the Quest, and also probably the only one on this list to live through abuse (by the hands of Bill Ferny, his first owner). Still, he proves extremely loyal and smart, being able to find his way back all the way to Bree on his own, after being released before the Fellowship steps into Moria.
Then there come „Rohirric horses”:
-Hasufel – a big, grey stallion, helping Aragorn around, until Roheryn arrives.
-Arod – the horse that bore Legolas and Gimli, light and fearful, but good enough
-Firefoot – Eomer’s horse (anyone else thinking the name matches Eomer’s rather fiery temper? :) )
-Snowmane – Theoden’s faithful steed, who is partly the reason for his master’s death.
-Fatty Lumpkin – Bombadil’s pony. Loyal and friendly fellow.
Then we have „no name” horses:
-Ranger horses – very loyal to their masters, being willing to bear them into the darkness of the Path of the Dead
-Merry’s ponies – these are rather fearful, but smart on their own right, since they are able to find Lumpkin.
Nazgul horses - even these creatures, though in service of Sauron, are pure beings, just lacking the luck of being born in free lands.
In general, however, the picture of a horse in the story is 100% positive.
Do you remember any other horses from the Legendarium?
Edit: You are incredible! So many references and horses that you mentioned! Thank you for all of them, but in order to stay true to the title the I will add 'bonus horses' from LOTR only:
Windfola - the horse of Dernhelm and Merry during the Battle of Pelennor Fields (extremely brave steed, to be able to "face' the Witch King himself)
Felarof - the forefather of Meara horses, Eorl's stead, who is told to understand speech.
All the incredible horses from the rest of Legendarium stay in our hearts <3.